Regenerative Farming Ireland - a communications hub
Regenerative Farming Ireland began as a closed RFI Facebook group to facilitate discussion between like-minded farmers and growers. The RFI group has positively encouraged liberal-minded, green-issues-aware people and organizations to join it. Likewise with folk who grow their own at home, in allotments or in community gardens, or are just concerned about where their food will have to come from in the future.
Farm to fork to farmer is our blog. It is so called to emphasis that communications has to be, as with so many of Nature's systems, cyclical. Information must move from farmer to consumer and vice versa. The Blog provides an opportunity for members to write at a greater length and for a wider audience than the Facebook group allows.
A member's online magazine 'Regeneration' is planned. This will offer members a regular update about all things regenerative, be they happening in Ireland or globally.
Finally, further down the line, Regenerative Farming Ireland has an ambitious plan to produce a farm-to-food magazine to connect farmers to mainstream food consumers.